Dental Cavity
The dental cavity is an bacterial infection that causes the demineralization and destruction of the hard tissues (enamel, dentin, cementum) by production of acid by bacterial fermentation of teh food debris accumulated onm the tooth surfice. If left untreated, the disease can lead to pain, tooth loss and infection. In order to avoid the caries formation are very useful preventive and prophylactic measures, such as regular oral hygiene and dietary modifications Depending on the extent of tooth destruction, various treatments can be used to restore teeth to proper form, function, and aesthetics, but there is no known method to regenerate large amounts of tooth structure.

Fissures are the groves on the chewing surface of some of the teeth, such as molars and back teeth. Pits are the tiny depressions in the teeth found at the ends or cross-sections of the fissure grooves. Pits and fissures occur on the ridged tooth surfaces on back teeth and molars, formally referred to as occlusal surfaces. Because of the deep infolding of the enamel on these teeth, it is difficult to maintain proper oral hygiene which makes it common to develop dental caries in these areas.
Dental sealing
Treatment consists of applying a plastic material into the pit and fissure of one or more teeth, for the intended purpose of preventing dental caries (cavities) or other forms of tooth decay.
Composite crown restoration
The dental cavity is an bacterial infection that causes the demineralization and destruction of the hard tissues (enamel, dentin, cementum) by production of acid by bacterial fermentation of teh food debris accumulated on the tooth surface. If left untreated, the disease can lead to pain, tooth loss and infection. In order to avoid the caries formation are very useful preventive and prophylactic measures, such as regular oral hygiene and dietary modifications Depending on the extent of tooth destruction, various treatments can be used to restore teeth to proper form, function, and aesthetics, but there is no known method to regenerate large amounts of tooth structure.

When over ½ of the tooth’s biting surface is damaged it is often used an inlay or an onlay, that can be made of porcelain, gold or composite resin. These pieces are bonded. The inlay is similar to a filling and it is used inside the cusp tips of the tooth, the onlay is externding over one or more of the cusp of the tooth. They require 2 appointments because it is necessary to take an impression of the tooth and send it to a lab for fabrication.