Incognito lingual appliance-crowded teeth, deep bite

Adult patient, call me for an appointment for an invisible fixed appliance. She never wanted visible braces, but the new invisible technology gave her the opportunity to have straight teeth and improve her smile. So we started this adventure with the Incognito lingual appliance for 1 year and half, in this period of time nobody noticed she had braces. It was necessary one month for the tongue to get used with the braces. When the time came to take off the braces she was really happy for her smile.

Incognito-crowded teeth, deep bite before treatment

Incognito-crowded teeth, deep bite after treatment

Incognito-crowded teeth, deep bite upper arch after 6 months

Incognito-crowded teeth, deep bite lower arch after 6 months

Incognito-crowded teeth, deep bite before treatment

Incognito-crowded teeth, deep bite after treatment

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