The lingual fixed appliance is bonded on the lingual surface of the teeth (it is hidden behind the teeth) and it is indicated both in adults and teenagers, especially in patients who care for the esthetics.
The best lingual system is Incognito that is manufactured using the computer aided design/computer aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) in Germany, that provides customized braces and robotically bent wires for each patient and for each type of malocclusion. This system is well accepted by the majority of patients and it is completly invisible because the braces are bonded on the inner side of the teeth. The treatment time is similar to the conventional one, above 18 months. This kind of treatment can be offered only by the Incognito providers and dr. Ana Hauta is a certified one.
Advantages of lingual orthodontics:
Unlimited aesthetics. Lingual braces are completely invisible from tha outside. There is no aesthetic impairment. Even when labial braces are made from tooth colored plastics or ceramic they are still visible. This is why many patients avoid fixed appliance therapy. No appliance related labial decalcification. Despite numerous prophylaxis approaches to prevent iatrogenic damage when using fixed devices, labial decalcification is still common place once the labial braces are removed. Potential lingual decalcification has no negative aesthetic effect. In addition, it occurs only in extremely rare cases.