Traditional fixed appliance -crowded teeth, ectopic canine, missing first lower molar

Teenager with severe crowded teeth in upper arch, ectopic canine and early missing lower first molar. I performed the extraction of the first upper premolar and fitted the fixed appliance in both arches for 1 year and 10 months

crowded teeth, ectopic canine, missing first lower molar before treatment traditional fixed appliance

crowded teeth, ectopic canine, missing first lower molar after treatment traditional fixed appliance

crowded teeth, ectopic canine, missing first lower molar before treatment traditional fixed appliance

crowded teeth, ectopic canine, missing first lower molar after treatment traditional fixed appliance

crowded teeth, ectopic canine, missing first lower molar before treatment traditional fixed appliance

crowded teeth, ectopic canine, missing first lower molar after treatment traditional fixed appliance

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