traditional fixed appliance -severe crowded teeth. Ectopic canine, cross bite

16 years old guy came in my practice with severe crowded teeth. The treatment plan consisted in 4 first premolar extraction in order to make room for the alignment of the anterior teeth and bimaxillary fixed appliance (braces) for almost 2 years.

Tradional fixed appliance crowded teeth, ectopic canine cross bite before treatment

Tradional fixed appliance crowded teeth, ectopic canine cross bite after treatment

Tradional fixed appliance crowded teeth, ectopic canine cross bite before treatment

Tradional fixed appliance crowded teeth, ectopic canine cross bite after treatment

Tradional fixed appliance crowded teeth, ectopic canine cross bite before treatment

Tradional fixed appliance crowded teeth, ectopic canine cross bite after treatment

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